Izindaba Zemboni

Ukuhlolwa kokuphepha kanye ne-scrap standard ye-hook

Ukuhlolwa kokuphepha kwe-ingwegwe
1. The ingwegwe used in the lifting mechanism driven by manpower is tested with 1.5 times the rated load as the inspection load.
2. The ingwegwe used for the power-driven lifting mechanism shall be tested with 2 times the rated load as the inspection load.
3. Ngemuva kwe-ingwegweisuswa kumthwalo wokuhlola, akufanele kube khona ukukhubazeka okusobala noma ukusonteka, futhi ukwanda kwezinga lokuvula akufanele kweqe u-0.25% wosayizi wokuqala.

4. Ngobaingwegwes that have passed the inspection, a mark should be printed in the low-stress area of the ingwegwe, including the rated lifting weight, factory mark or factory name, inspection mark, production number, etc.

Izindinganiso zescrap zeingwegwes
I-ingwegwekufanele isulwe lapho kwenzeka esinye sezimo ezilandelayo:
â ‘Ukuqhekeka;
Ukugqoka kwesigaba okuyingozi kufinyelela ku-10% wosayizi wokuqala;
â ‘¢ Izinga lokuvula lenyuswa ngo-15% uma liqhathaniswa nosayizi wokuqala;
④The torsion deformation of the ingwegwe body exceeds 10°;
⑤The dangerous section of the ingwegwe or the neck of the ingwegwe is plastically deformed;
⑥The ingwegwe thread is corroded;
⑦When the wear of the ingwegwe bushing reaches 50% of the original size, the bushing should be replaced;
⑧ Lapho i-mandrel yengcezuingwegweigqokwe ku-5% wosayizi wokuqala, i-mandrel kufanele ithathelwe indawo.
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